Dr. Liduíno Pitombeira (Compositor, Professor da EM-UFRJ):

“Parabéns pela excelente performance da  Sonata para Dois Pianos e Percussão de Bartók. O nível do DUO SÁ é realmente elevadíssimo, tanto musical quanto técnico. Seria uma grande honra escrever algo para vocês!”

Dr. Ney Rosauro (Compositor, Professor aposentado, Miami University):

“Parabéns! Muito musical! Representaram o Brasil e nossa música de percussão em alto nível na PASIC. Estamos orgulhosos de vocês, super parabéns!”

Dr. Michael Udow (Composer, Retired Professor, University of Michigan):

“You both play with such elegant care and passion for all the music on each instrument. The instruments must smile as you work together to produce such fine tone qualities. I think you both captured the feeling quite beautifully of my music and thank you for your performance and your improvisation. I will always be interested in listening to where Duo Sá will take it next!”

Michael Rosen (Professor of Percussion, Oberlin College, Ohio):

 “It was good to meet you both at PASIC in Indianapolis and I enjoyed your clinic very much, congratulations!”

Stanley  Leonard (retired Principal Timpanist, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra):

“Congratulations for your concert at PASIC! First Class! The duo is very good!”

 Joe Locke (Jazz vibraphonist, composer, and educator):

“Please, continue to put the videos on Facebook! They inspire me!”

Nana Formosa Duo (Percussion duo from Taiwan):

“Graceful, warm and rock with your excellent pandeiro! Congratulations to both of you!”

Jack Brennan (Principal Timpanist, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra):

 “Congratulations! Good job! You both have a beautiful tone quality!”

 Tim Church (Black Swamp Percussion):

“Very good! Congratulations! I expected something loud, more like “batucada”, with more energy, and you guys have a very sophisticated work and very delicate sounds, beautiful tone quality, very good, congratulations!”

Dan Lidster (Owner, Encore Mallets, Inc.):

"It was so great you got to present two years in a row. Very informative."